YouTube advice blog
Is it too late to start a YouTube channel in 2024?
Absolutely not! 2024 is perfect to start a new YouTube channel. In this article I tell you exactly why. You might think that YouTube is ...Read article
How to deal with negative youtube comments 2024
Dealing with haters is one of the hardest aspects of YouTube as a creator. People like to tell others that they are wrong (even if they ...Read article
Write YouTube Titles that 10x your views – COMPLETE GUIDE
[VIDEO] A good compelling title will make or break your video. But what makes a good YouTube video title that gets the click? I’m answering that ...Read article
Click Through Rate guide - Exposing YouTube’s BIGGEST lie
[VIDEO] Which YouTube Impressions Click Through Rate would you rather have? 4% or 10%?10%, right?Because when 10 viewers out of 100 click, results ...Read article
Beginner YouTube equipment 2024: what you REALLY need
[VIDEO] What equipment do you REALLY need to start a YouTube channel?You don’t need an expensive camera for example … surprising, ey?In this ...Read article
YouTube tags are a MYTH in 2024 – here’s PROOF
[VIDEO] I have good news and bad news. The bad news: YouTube tags don’t work anymore. The good news: everyone still thinks they do (I will tell ...Read article
YouTube timestamps & video chapters - DEFINITIVE GUIDE
In this article I’ll explain YouTube timestamps in comments and descriptions. How it works on mobile and desktop, which format to use, ...Read article
Best YouTube channel name ideas 2024 (+ lists)
In this article 5 actionable steps way to find an amazing YouTube channel name AND a list of 500+ cool channel names up for grabs. Also ...Read article
Best YouTube vlogging camera for beginners 2024
I learned a thing or two when choosing a my vlogging camera for YouTube. In this article I’ll share the most important features the best ...Read article
Never buy YouTube subscribers - NEVER EVER
There are two ways to increase your subscribers, the organic way and the non-organic way. In this article: why the organic way is good and ...Read article