YouTube embed code & link generator

Paste your YouTube video URL:

x (width x height, default: 560x315)
Start time:
: (min:sec)
End time:
: (min:sec)
Loop video
Auto play video
No Full screen button
No player controls (play, volume etc)
No YouTube logo (modest branding)
Privacy enhanced (only cookie when user starts video)
Responsive (auto scale to available width)
How to get views on YouTube - Channel review 2025

🔆 How do I embed a YouTube video in HTML website 2025

  • 1. Copy the YouTube video URL from your browser (or by using the share-button on YouTube)
  • 2. Paste the YouTube URL in the URL-textbox in this embed link generator
  • 3. Determine your options (start, stop, autoplay, ... etc)
  • 4. Click on "GENERATE"
  • 5. Click on "COPY HTML TO CLIPBOARD"
  • 6. Paste the HTML on your website

🔆 What is YouTube embedding?

YouTube embedding means: incorporating a YouTube video in your website.
The video fully featured with controls and offers the YouTube experience without the distraction of advertisements.
For it to work you need a YouTube URL and embed code that you can copy/paste in your website.
The free embed code generator simplifies this process for you.
Just check the options you want to have and click on "GENERATE".

🔆 YouTube embed link parameters and options

The most important embed link parameters:
options default description
autoplay=1 0 Starts playing automatically (depends also on browser setting)
autoplay=1 is play automatically
controls=0 1 No buttons to control the video like start and volume.
controls=0 is no controls
end=67 0 Video stops playing at 67 seconds (1 minute and 7 seconds).
The generator on this page converts minutes to seconds for you.
fs=0 1 Hide the full screen button.
fs=0 is no button
loop=1 0 The video loops (doesn't always work)
loop=1 is loop video
modestbranding=1 0 Disable the YouTube logo in player controls.
modestbranding=1 is no logo
start=65 0 Video starts playing at 65 seconds (1 minute and 5 seconds).
The generator on this page converts minutes to seconds for you.
All the parameters you can find on Google's website: YouTube embedded player parameters

🔆 YouTube embed link loop example

The parameter "loop=1" triggers the loop feature, so the video keeps repeating endlessly.
In theory this should work, but I noticed that looping doesn't always work the way it should.

    width="560" height="315"

🔆 YouTube embed link autoplay example

The parameter "autoplay=1" triggers the automatic play feature, the video starts on page load.
In theory, however I noticed that autoplay doesn't always work the way it should.

    width="560" height="315"