I found a loophole in the YouTube Algorithm in 2024!

I found a loophole in the YouTube Algorithm in 2024! play video
Written by: Dexxter Clark
Have you ever wondered why it is that some new channels seem get views right out of the gate and some struggle to get 50 views?
Yes, experience is a huge factor, but there is something else going on, that I stumbled upon accidentally by making 2 huge mistakes, of which I learned 2 valuable lessons.
And because of that discovered a loophole in the algorithm!

Mistake and lesson number 1:

I started a new channel, got 50K views, 1000 subscribers with only 5 videos.
When I uploaded a new video when it got attention, it got me 1000 views on video #6.
I let it fizzle out.
After that I uploaded videos but got 40 views, 60 views.

I never should have let the channel fizzle out, I should have uploaded more content.

So, If a channel gets attention, because a 1 or multiple videos get a lot of attention, it is much easier to get more views on new videos.
This is how some channels can grow extremely quick.

Mistake number and lesson number 2

My Social Video Plaza channel had a lot of trouble getting views, it was finally doing ok, about 1000 views after a couple of days.
Then I released 8 videos targeted towards YouTube Search.
I switched off the notifications, because I knew that my existing audience wasn’t interested.
Now I have trouble reaching the 200 views after a couple of days.

I never should have released multiple video that viewers weren’t interested in.

When your last 10 videos overall get more views lets say 10K views per video, a new video is much more likely to get 10k views as well.
While a new channel with less momentum with only 100 views per video is much more likely to get 100 views.
It doesn’t matter that it is YouTube Search, which takes weeks or even months to pick up.
The algorithm apparently looks at how well your previous videos performed and adjusts its promotion based on that.

The problem is, when you have a lot of videos that didn’t perform great that it is really hard to get out of that cycle.
This is why some channels growing so painfully slow.

The loophole

What’s the pattern between these 2 mistakes?
Traction and Momentum.

When you still have a small channel, have trouble getting traction. it maybe even worth starting a new channel over that.
Because you have the experience, you know audience, you know what they like, you know which content performs best.

To test that theory I started a new channel,
If this is really true, then we can use that to grow a new channel really quickly.

I uploaded multiple videos.
As soon as some of the videos got a little bit attention, I immediately released a new one.
When that one picked up, released a new video, when that one picked up, I released a new video, etc etc.

I have to note that the channel I’m talking about is in the most competitive niche on YouTube: youtube advice niche.
Within a week 3000 views, 100 subscribers, and a new client.
How quick would you be able to blow up a channel in a non-competitive niche?

But I also wanted to know something else: when you start a new channel: will the same videos blow up, or not?
So I uploaded some of the same videos that blew up on the first new channel.

The answer is no. Not at all.
It seems to be completely random.
So there is some kind of luck factor involved on YouTube:
Youtube just promoting the video to the right people by accident, seeing that they respond well, and promoting it more.
But there were some patterns that I saw emerging, with which I could predict which videos would do well.

I’ve developed this technique into a step-by-step strategy.
Which you can find in the Viral Strategy video training.
When you are serious about YouTube and want to take it to the next level, take a look at my video training program: Viral Strategy.
The program takes you step-by-step through the process of getting views, subscribers and going viral.

For new creators I included a module that guides you step-by-step through the process of starting, creating and setting up a YouTube channel.

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